|| Beat Saber
Map Project
Published maps I've made for Beat Saber under BeatSaver. You may also commission me to map your favourite song in Beat Saber.
Map Check
Client web application for extensive overview and checking of beatmap to help catch numerous kind of errors in beatmap. Powered by Vanilla JS and BSMap module.
Use & Permission
As long as my map has already been published under BeatSaver, you may freely use them for video promotion, or any other purpose. My light are free to use in your map as long as credit is given. You may also use the map itself for any purpose including machine learning, but preferably if you ask first beforehand. Any other thing such as 3D model, map script, etc. is allowed if and only when any of my map that uses them is publicly released on BeatSaver.
Go ahead, just abide to licensing rule.